Graphviz - for drawing directed graphs
This semester at University, I’m taking ‘Compiler Design & Techniques’ as a module. The second coursework involves drawing Finite State Machines diagrams that represent regular expressions. Rather than using a word processor to draw these diagrams with a rather untidy look about them, I went in search of a tool that’d help me produce high quality drawings. I’d heard that Latex was good for mathematical diagrams, but that seemed like overkill as I only wanted the diagrams, not a whole new document syntax to learn.
I come across Graphviz. Open source and available on near enough all platforms–Mac, Linux and Windows. Using a very simple syntax, you create dot
files and then using the dot
tool, you can generate PNG images of your diagrams.
Here is an example dot
digraph my_fsm {
label = "ab*(cd)+|b";
rankdir = LR;
node [shape = doublecircle]; 3 4;
node [shape = circle];
0 -> 1 [label = "a"];
1 -> 1 [label = "b"];
1 -> 2 [label = "c"];
2 -> 3 [label = "d"];
3 -> 2 [label = "c"];
0 -> 4 [label = "b"];
Following is an explanation of the above script:
- I’m declaring the graph as a directed graph with
. my_fsm
is just the name I’ve given the graph. This can be anything.- I add a label to the graph which holds the regular expression that I’m drawing. This isn’t required, but just helps by giving it a title.
specifies the direction of the diagram. I’m specifying ’left to right’ withLR
.- So that I can differentiate between accepting states and normal states, I’m declaring that nodes 3 and 4 will have a double circle around them.
- For all other nodes, I just want to use the normal
shape. - Lastly, I declare the nodes and their edges. Also, I add a label to each edge.
Once you save the file, you can run it through the dot
program using the following command:
dot -Tpng -o my_fsm.png
You’ll need to check where dot
was installed. With the Mac installer package it is installed to /usr/local/graphviz-2.12/bin/dot
, so you’ll need to modify the above command to reflect the correct location.
A very handy tool indeed. There is a PDF guide on all the commands available. Of which, I’m next going to look for how to space the graph out a bit more as it’s a little squashed at the moment.
Hope this helps.